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Distributor in Turkey

You can now get our products in Turkey from IZTEK Pnömatik Otomasyon,

IZTEK is a well established supplier of Pneumatics and Sensors. They have highly skilled staff and well equipped facilities for local testing and evaluation. They also have full support from our lab and technicians if needed. Contact them if you are interested in a demonstration or project meeting.

Individual valves now available

The patented high speed valves we use in our Flexible Positioning Unit, FPU is now available as loose valves. The valve subplates can be combined into stackable manifolds with common supply. The subplates are symmetrical and can be turned around to vary output port direction. Also prepared for sealed wall mounting.

The valves, series V27 is ideal for applications where you need quick response time combined with high flow rate and long life time. Typical applications are Air blow & Sorting.

Response times down to 1mS. Life time up to 1Bn cycles, flow rate up to 1000nl/min.

Series V27 is intended for compressed gases, such as pneumatics. For liquids, such as water etc. you can use series W27. The liquid version can be used for precision dispensing etc. Available with Grommet, Pin, DIN-connector etc.

V27 & W27 are normally closed 2-port valves (2/2). Several other options available upon request. find out more in our catalogue or contact us at

New Catalogue!

We are pleased to announce that our new catalog is available, with lot’s of new releases.

Some of the news;

Generation 2 of our flexible positioning unit, FPU, now with 3 PNP channels, more functions & I/O-Link

Several new sizes of the positioning unit, you can now control very small grippers and actuators.

Our patented valves, also available with embedded drive circuits

Aros SCIO system, with multiple options for Ethernet I/P

Positioning of Pneumatic actuators have never been easier.

Träffa oss på Euroexpo, Skellefteå

Staccato Technologies ställer ut på Euroexpo i Skellefteå, 25-26 Mars.

Vi kommer att demonstrera våra produkter, Generation 2 av vår positioneringsenhet, och vår nya mjukvara.

Du får även möjlighet att diskutera applikationer med våra experter på plats.

Vi ser fram emot att träffa er.

Tid och plats?

Scandic Expolaris, kanalgatan 73 Skellefteå.

Klicka här för kostnadsfri biljett

Distributor of the year, 2019

Shelley Automation, Canada was awarded the title “Distributor of the year” for 2019

This is in acknowledgement of Shelley Automations conscious and dedicated efforts in placing Staccato Technologies on the Pneumatic market in Canada.

Shelley Automation has dedicated internal and external staff for pneumatic technology, a strong support network and very good in-house capabilities for assemblies, testing & evaluation.

The Award was handed over by Fleming Pedersen Dambo, CEO at Staccato Technologies to Allister Cini, Product Champion at Shelley Automation at a ceremony in Toronto, Canada end of January 2020

Norbottens Industrimässa (Euroexpo), Luleå

Träffa oss på Norbottens industrimässa i Luleå.

Den digitala pneumatiken i praktisk tillämpning!

Mässan sker 27-28:e November, i Arcushallen, Arcusvägen 61.

Vi kommer att demonstrera hur vi kan noggrant kan kontrollera vridande, gripande, och linjära rörelser med pneumatik. Du får även tillfälle att se hur vi kan kontrollera kraft, och du har möjlighet att diskutera givar typer och återkoppling med våra experter på plats.

Insläpp 9-17, mer info hittar du här:

Flexible Automation

Flexible automation is a must in today’s’ manufacturing environment for most companies exposed to ever changing trends and varying needs of consumers and end users.

The old style mass production is becoming a faded memory as we go from high volume low variety to low volume high variety. This is becoming increasingly evident with the last years rapid expansion of robot based automation and the increased need for collaborative robots.

This is easily manageable when you know what your needs and variations are, but that is using an old style approach to a new reality. You have to embrace the fact that you will not know what your needs are tomorrow, and be prepared for rapid change. The reality for most companies is that they will need to adapt already available equipment in order to achieve a cost competitive production solution. More often than not, the majority of the movements in any machine is performed with pneumatic actuators due to their simplicity, low cost, and great ranges in ready-made machine elements. The disadvantage with pneumatic actuators is that they are made for end-to-end movement with no simple way of controlling multiple stops or adjustable end positions.

So what is our proposal?

With Staccato Technologies flexible positioning unit, FPU, users can turn their current pneumatic actuators into powerful units, where they digitally can control any position, any speed, and any force, much like a considerably more expensive AC-Servo. Exact position is also returned in a monitor signal, giving constant feedback which is next requirement in machine upgrades. This solution also work on rotary actuators and grippers.

Apart from the obvious cost-savings, machine modifications will also be very quick as you can keep your existing actuators, just add a position sensor and our positioning unit and you have a new flexibility you never thought was possible in the past.

Want to know more? – have a look at some of our application examples on our Youtube channel and contact us for further discussions.