Daily Archives: 29 July, 2019

New Function – “Speed control on the fly”

A few customers have asked for both position control and speed control on Pneumatic actuators with our Flexible Positioning unit, FPU.

Eventhough you already can set the required speed in our software, some users want the possibility to change speed on the fly, for example in filling applications, where they want to match the filling speed with the size of container. To accommodate this request, we have implemented this as a standard option. Now you can use one analogue signal for position control and one for speed control.

This is available in units shipped from August 2019. Older units can get a free software update.

Users that want to use this function control the position with 4-20 mA and the speed with 0-10 V. A version with I/O-link is in development and is planned to be released later this year.

Example on the application can be seen at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MM3528zkhVk